Trademark Registration
It is good practice to register your trademark
While the definition of trademarks varies from one jurisdiction to another, the purpose remains the same for all. Trademarks help to identify and differentiate the source of the goods or services of one party from others. A trademark can be as broad and varied as a brand name, logo, shape, sound, smell, colour, letter, number or any aspect that gives a unique and distinct image to a product or service. It is good to have your trademark registered in Singapore, as Singapore is globally known for its reputation for trademark protection.
The Singapore Treaty
There is also an agreement on the Singapore Treaty. The objective of the Singapore Treaty is to create a modern and dynamic international framework for the harmonization of administrative trademark registration procedures. Building on the Trademark Law Treaty of 1994 (TLT), the Singapore Treaty has a broader scope of application and addresses more recent developments in communication technologies.
Many small businesses or start-up owners in Singapore will not consider filing trademark applications until they have been operating for months or years. Companies often justify this approach by budget-related issues, but it involves peril. Indeed, even if you can apply for a trademark at any time, there is no guarantee it will still be available in a couple of months or years, and therefore approved for registration. It is advisable to contact a trademark specialist when you have a trademark in mind or choose your business name and logo.
As a trademark specialist, TnB will do a full clearance search for you and quickly proceed with the filing to secure protection for your trademarks. TnB will develop a strong trademark strategy to help you establish a successful brand that stands out from competitors.