TNB Global Outsource


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PSG funding support of up to 80% up till March 2022. Start digitalising now?

It is never too late to embark on your digital transformation journey.

The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) is an incentive to help firms implement IT solutions, equipment and consultancy services.

It was announced at Budget 2021 that the raised maximum funding support of 80% will be extended from 30 September 2021 to 31 March 2022.

The grant supports a broad spectrum of industries, including: 

  • Early childhood
  • Banking
  • Food
  • Marine and offshore
  • Financial services
  • Engineering services

Furthermore, the grant covers IT solutions that are widely used across all industries, including: 

  • Data analytics
  • Financial management
  • Accounting management
  • Inventory tracking.

You may find the complete list of pre-approved solutions on GoBusiness.



Are you having second thoughts about digital transformation?

Technology has become a vital key to the success of businesses.

Some may not want to implement technology yet, given the heavy time and monetary investments. However, in the long run, technology will undoubtedly bring cost benefits and contribute to sustainable development.

With the government subsidising up to 80% of qualifying costs (with a cap of S$30,000 per company), there is no better time to start implementing IT solutions into your businesses. Businesses can either embark on it now with subsidised costs or start later and take on the total expenditure.

A digitalised company can save time through the automation of processes such as invoicing and payroll. Research by McKinsey stated that businesses spend 69% of their time on data processing which could have been saved with automation. The time saved can be channelled to value-adding business activities to increase business efficiency and reduce cost. Companies can propel faster and meet the demands of business partners and consumers with accelerated speed. 

A report by MicroStrategy found that 90% of business users view data analytics as essential to digital transformation. Companies that implement data analytics are able to understand their customers better, develop well-rounded content strategies, mitigate risks and tighten security. The most significant advantage of data analytics is making better decisions via models such as data prediction and classification. 

According to BestInSingapore, 60% of Singaporeans use mobile devices to shop or research products. These numbers are expected to grow, which puts greater emphasis on the importance of online marketing. In order to remain competitive, businesses must tap on digital solutions to understand customer behaviour and create customised online marketing campaigns to attract and retain customers. 

Another benefit is the ease of collaboration and communication. With remote working becoming the new normal and 5G up and ready to go, many businesses carry out activities while on the go. Firms that adopt cloud-based solutions and use high internet speed as leverage can share information and work simultaneously with business partners across a similar cloud platform, enjoying the ease of obtaining accurate real-time information wherever they are.


How does PSG help make digital transformation easier?

Rather than talking about how great your business can grow with the help of technology, the primary concern is the daunting process of digital transformation.

As you would already know, the PSG helps cover up to 80% of funding to invest in digital resources, which is a significant amount of savings for companies.

PSG also provides firms with a comprehensive range of tools and solutions specific to their business needs. These solutions have been pre-scoped by the National Environmental Agency (NEA), Enterprise Singapore and other governmental organisations. Rather than expending time and effort to conduct your research on suitable strategies, the PSG helps firms by listing down industry-relevant tools and solutions and pre-approved vendors and consultant firms. 

With COVID-19 as the economic backdrop, some tools that enterprises may consider are virtual meeting, temperature screening and digital marketing tools. 


How do I apply for the PSG?

The application process is relatively simple.

  1. View the list of supportable solutions eligible for your enterprise and identify those you want to procure
  2. Your following action depends on the type of solution you wish to procure:
    • IT solutions: Obtain a quotation from a pre-approved vendor
    • Equipment: Source for equipment and obtain a quotation from the vendor
    • Consultancy service: Obtain a quotation from a pre-approved consultant
  3. Submit your application on the Business Grants Portal (BGP) via a Corppass account
  4. Submit your grant claim on the BGP before the claim due date

If your enterprise is serious about applying for PSG, you will be happy to know that TnB is a pre-approved PSG vendor. Make your digital transformation journey effortless, and get in touch with us!


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Declaration of Eligibility and General Declaration

The OCBC Start Digital Pack is supported by Enterprise Singapore (“ESG”) and the Info-communications Media Development Authority (“IMDA”) and is offered by Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Limited (“OCBC”) to its business banking customers.

You must meet the following criteria (“Eligibility Criteria”) to be eligible for the OCBC Start Digital Pack:

  1. Registered and incorporated in Singapore with a valid UEN issued by ACRA for the following business entity types: Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership and Companies;
  2. At least 30% local shareholding;
  3. Group annual sales turnover of not more than $100 million OR Group employment size of not more than 200 employees;
  4. First time applicant to the Start Digital Pack (each business can sign up for only one Start Digital Pack across the Start Digital partners);
  5. Must not be an existing user of Quickbooks;
  6. Have an active business current account with OCBC.


  1. We declare that as at the date of this form, we have met the Eligibility Criteria and that the information provided in this form is true and accurate in all respects.
  2. We confirm that we would like to apply for the OCBC Start Digital Pack, and we acknowledge and agree that:
    1. OCBC may supply any governmental agency (including, without limitation, ESG and IMDA) with documents and information relating to us or provided by us (including contact information) for purposes in connection with our application for the OCBC Start Digital Pack (Quickbooks);
    2. ESG and IMDA may use our information provided by OCBC to contact us to verify our application for the OCBC Start Digital Pack:
    3. we will supply and/or provide any information and/or documentary proof as OCBC may require from time to time and such information and documents shall thereby become and remain the property of OCBC;
    4. we will indemnify OCBC immediately on first written demand for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims, expenses, fees and costs that may be incurred or suffered by OCBC as a result of or in connection with (i) our failure to satisfy or comply with any of the Eligibility Criteria; (ii) us providing any declaration, information and/or document which is not true and/or accurate; or (iii) us not complying with any of the terms below;
    5. OCBC does not own or provide the TNB Global Outsource Pte. Ltd., or Quickbooks services to us. No warranty of any kind, including without limitation of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, freedom from malicious code, or non-infringement of third party rights is given in conjunction with the OCBC Start Digital Pack, and OCBC shall not be liable for any loss and/or damage suffered or incurred by or in connection with the use thereof;
    6. we have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions set out on OCBC’s website (at services/start-digital/). OCBC reserves the right to update, amend or change the terms and conditions from time to time without our consent;
    7. the OCBC Start Digital Pack is subject to any terms and conditions imposed by ESG and IMDA and we have agreed to, and shall comply with, the same.

Terms and Conditions of OCBC Start Digital Pack

To TNB Global Outsource Pte. Ltd. (“TnB”):

By submitting an application, we acknowledge and agree that:

  1. the information provided in this form is true and accurate in all respects;
  2. we understand that TnB is an authorised reseller of Quickbooks by Intuit Inc. (“Quickbooks”), and TnB will be setting up our Quickbooks accounts with respect to this application;
  3. TnB may (a) share information with OCBC relating to us or our Quickbooks accounts, and (b) send us promotional collaterals relating to our business;
  4. we authorise TnB to set up, activate and access our Quickbooks accounts and we will bear the fees and charges imposed by TnB for services rendered which are not included in the OCBC Start Digital Pack;
  5. the OCBC Start Digital Pack is only valid for OCBC business banking customers who meet the Eligibility Criteria. In the event we are determined by OCBC and/or TnB in their sole and absolute discretion to not be eligible, (a) we will pay to TnB the fees and charges listed on ( (“the TnB website”) for any service(s) already provided, and (b) we will be required to reimburse OCBC for all expenses incurred as a result of this application;
  6. any payments relating to the OCBC Start Digital Pack must be made via an OCBC Business Debit Card issued to us;
  7. fees will be paid directly to TnB and OCBC will not be liable for any payment.
  8. we will subscribe to the OCBC Start Digital Pack for a minimum period of 18 continuous months at the fees stated herein. Thereafter, the fees payable will follow that as listed on the TnB website;
  9. in the event of any cancellation request, we will notify TnB in writing (by letter to its registered office or email to the person-in-charge) with a notice period of 1 month. Any refund of any unutilised part of the subscription will be refunded back to us by TnB by bank transfer within 4 weeks of the date of such notice.
  10. we agree that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if we fail to satisfy or comply with any of the Eligibility Criteria; or any declaration information and documents given by us are not true or accurate; or we do not comply with clause (ix) above, TnB reserves the right to terminate the package without our notice;
  11. we have read, understood and accepted TnB Terms and Conditions (/ TnB reserves the rights to update the Terms and Conditions from time to time without our consent;
  12. we have read, understood and accepted the Intuit Terms of Service ( and Privacy Policy (

